Sunday, October 5, 2008

Chi-town bound?

Things are heating up after yesterday afternoon.
Information is coming in that BM was working the phones, attempting to shop Gerber again. Even after one game, Murray felt it was evident that Martin would not cut it this year.

"Sub Par is not even close to being good enough. We saw enough of that **** last year and I don't think we'll see much of it this year."
"Brian and Eugine are committed to winning. They will make the moves the need to, when they can to make the team better. If that involves Martin then it will, but if anything is to be done, it will be sooner then later" - Team Source in Sweden.

I have heard that last night and this morning, Murray was in discussions again with Chicago in regards to Khabibulin and an "offensive d-man". We'll see what the day brings


Unknown said...

We've all heard the Khabby + Barker for Neil and Gerber rumours.

This might make more sense later in the season when 'Bulin's salary isn't so daunting.

Ottawa Senators Rumours said...

Nice to wee you back man. We should trade links ;)

I see Gerber out of town by the new year and toiling in the AHL in the meantime, giving Elliot a shot in tandem with Auld.